Pet Food

Laboratorios Darier offers our clients sensory solutions that satisfy the wishes of pets and their owners.

The relationships of each human being with their pets have changed.

Both cats and dogs are part of the family, so as owners we behave more and more like «parents of pets» and we only want the best for them.

Thus, they have led us to develop innovative flavors of the highest quality, which meet the nutritional requirements while sensorially satisfying pets.

Big Animals

Pigs have an excellent olfactory system. Taking into account its low birth weight and impressive development, flavoring is essential to achieve high consumption and high nutritional conversion. The predilection is fruity and sweet flavors, in particular red fruits, apples and strawberries, in young animals vanilla, dairy and butyric notes are a great attraction.

Bovines are also food tasters despite their greater rusticity, especially young animals.

Vanilla, dairy and cream flavors are the most used, although sweet fruit trees are also successful.

In the case of dairy substitutes, additivation with flavors is essential since it stimulates the replacement, of lower quality than natural breast milk, to do so with “desire” and not just for “hunger”, helps better digestibility and avoids gastroenteritis for the best digestive enzyme function.

In the case of the feed – Lot, animals must be quickly attracted to the taste of the food to adapt quickly to the new diet, and especially when formula changes are made, for example sorghum for corn that is naturally much less palatable.

The additive with flavorings becomes even more important when medicated in the food, taking into account its great ability to “taste”, especially towards the bitter.